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Many people are familiar with a feeling of fullness and harsh bursting of the abdominal cavity (clothes too tight - flatulent belly). Flatulence and abdominal pain are the most frequent complaints from the abdominal cavity. Often abdominal bloating is accompanied by additional symptoms of cramps and painful bowel. Those conditions are often cumbersome, very harsh and difficult to deal with.


Digestion of food begins in the mouth (action of digestive enzymes contained in saliva). The food here is shredded and mixed with saliva. In other sections of the gastrointestinal tract transported food is subjected to complex reactions - first in the stomach, then in the duodenum, then in the intestines. For the proper conduct of efficient digestion, precise and efficient work of entire gastrointestinal tract is needed. To eliminate abdominal bloating there should be an appropriate composition of digestive juices and presence of all necessary digestive enzymes. Adequate transport of food plays very important role in digestion. If the content moves to quickly, the food will not be completely digested. The slow pace causes deposits of undigested content and fermentation in the intestines - as a result of this process, intestinal bloating, flatulence and constipation are experienced.

Gas, Bloating, Belching (Burping), Flatulence

Intestinal gases are patients common complains. The reason for accumulation of gas can be enteric ingestion of excess air during rapid eating, drinking and conversation during the meal. Increased amount of gases could be caused by mental stress or anxiety. The air may be trapped and is excreted out in the form of burping - part of the air, however, goes further, to the intestines. Along with each act of swallowing, stomach accumulates around 2-3 milliliters of air. Deep inspiration may lead to a transfer to the stomach l-2 ml of air. Tail intestinal gases are removed by the gastrointestinal tract as a "burp of the air" and "gas" (wind), the diffusion of gas into the blood and then through lungs. All these processes are normal physiologically occurring phenomena. Usually small quantities of gas are swallowed together with solid food and liquids, but some people (in some situations, for example, under the influence of stress) swallow more than normal amount of air, which in effect cause abdominal symptoms. Most of swallowed air is removed by burping. Gas produced in the intestines comes from a variety of metabolic processes. Even healthy people in some cases observe incomplete digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, which becomes the cause of problems. Beans and other food ingredients (e.g. fats) could also be a culprit. What's more, some people are genetically predisposed with the ability to manufacture large quantities of methane in the colon which has no connection with a diet. This feature seems to be genetic and lasts a lifetime. Reflectivity, winds and stomach, rumble" in addition to physical ailments, cause many people real emotional problems. It is clear that for healthy digestion process, the proper composition of digestive juices, and presence of all enzymes is necessary. Thus, for example, if the gut does not have enough lactase - the enzyme devouring lactose, makes lactose to ferment, which is linked to the increase in gas pressure in some sections of intestine. The shortage may also affect other enzymes. A similar symptom is caused by remaining of certain undigested foods (especially beans, peas, cabbage, cauliflower) in the colon. Bacteria action aiming at undigested foods manifests itself in formation of additional gas. Most patients suffering from flatulence volume of air in the gastrointestinal tract is not increased. Their problems are often a symptom of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This condition is caused by impaired motor intestines, due mainly to the stress. Other rare causes of abdominal bloating are: bowel paralysis, blocked intestines (the risk of life), the state after treatment with antibiotics, excessive development of intestinal bacterial flora, gluten intolerance and other.

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